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Past / Present

Past / Present is a photography project that creates people interacting in a double exposure with a significant photo from their childhood– allowing our younger selves to heal with the love and care of the present.

If you are interested in participating in this project please select 1-3 photos of your younger self at the age that you'd like to connect with. Ideal photos have some space around you (so that we can add you in) and preferably are only of you with no one else in the photo. 

I also ask you to write a short couple sentence response to a couple prompts that might be included with the photo in the event of a presentation. Those questions are:


1. What do you remember about the period of your life in these old photos of yourself?

2. What feeling would you like to give to or receive from your past self at the time of the chosen photos?

I will then combine the photos we make into a moving image similar to the one below

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